(Revise and resubmit) Mülayim, Gökhan. "Publishing the “Unpublishable”: The Making of Kurdish Publishing in Turkey," the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.
Mülayim, Gökhan. 2024. Navigating the Dynamics of Private Security in Turkey: Reflections from a Field in Flux, the International Journal of Middle East Studies. Vol. 56, Issue 1, pp. 139-144. Here
Book Review
Mülayim, Gökhan. 2021. Review of Economic Science Fictions, edited by William Davies, London, UK: Goldsmiths University Press, the Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 14, Issue 6, pp. 791-794. Here
Mülayim, Gökhan (with Özar, Şemsa; Kutlu, Yusuf). 2022. Türkiye'de Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitsizliği Bağlamında Kadın Yoksulluğu [Women's Poverty in the Context of Gender Inequality in Turkey], Cogito, Vol. 105-106, Summer 2022 Issue on Poverty. (with Şemsa Özar & Yusuf Kutlu). Here.
Mülayim, Gökhan (with Kutlu, Yusuf and Günay, Cansu). 2017. Türkiye’nin Siyasal Evrenini Duygu ve Duygulanımlar Üzerinden Anlamak: Olağanüstü Hal, Toplum ve Siyaset [Understanding Turkey`s Political Universe through Emotions and Affects: The State of Emergency, Society and Politics.] KONDA Research and Consultancy Reports. (with Cansu Gunay & Yusuf Kutlu). Here
Mülayim, Gökhan. 2018. Publishing the “Unpublishable”: The Making of Kurdish Publishing in Turkey, (Unpublished MA Thesis), Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey. Here
Economic Sociology
The Economization of Security: Markets for Private Security Services in Istanbul - in progress
Organizations, Occupations, and Work
Organizational Politics in Political Organizations: An Ethnographic Study of the Republican People's Party in Istanbul (with Dr. Alaz Kilicaslan) - in progress
Fielding Cultural Resistance: The Emergence and Development of Kurdish Publishing in Turkey - follow-up