


(Revise and resubmit) Mülayim, Gökhan. "Publishing the “Unpublishable”: The Making of Kurdish Publishing in Turkey," the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.

Mülayim, Gökhan. 2024. Navigating the Dynamics of Private Security in Turkey: Reflections from a Field in Flux, the International Journal of Middle East Studies. Vol. 56, Issue 1, pp. 139-144. Here

Book Review

Mülayim, Gökhan. 2021. Review of Economic Science Fictions, edited by William Davies, London, UK: Goldsmiths University Press, the Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 14, Issue 6, pp. 791-794. Here


Mülayim, Gökhan (with Özar, Şemsa; Kutlu, Yusuf). 2022. Türkiye'de Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitsizliği Bağlamında Kadın Yoksulluğu [Women's Poverty in the Context of Gender Inequality in Turkey], Cogito, Vol. 105-106, Summer 2022 Issue on Poverty. (with Şemsa Özar & Yusuf Kutlu). Here.

Mülayim, Gökhan (with Kutlu, Yusuf; Günay, Cansu). 2017. Türkiye’nin Siyasal Evrenini Duygu ve Duygulanımlar Üzerinden Anlamak: Olağanüstü Hal, Toplum ve Siyaset [Understanding Turkey`s Political Universe through Emotions and Affects: The State of Emergency, Society and Politics.] KONDA Research and Consultancy Reports. Here 

Dissertation & Thesis

Mülayim, Gökhan. 2023. Peculiar and Precarious: The Economization of Private Security in Turkey, (Unpublished PhD Dissertation), Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Here

Mülayim, Gökhan. 2018. Publishing the “Unpublishable”: The Making of Kurdish Publishing in Turkey, (Unpublished MA Thesis), Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey. Here

Manuscripts in Preparation


Academic Research

Economic Sociology

The Economization of Security: Markets for Private Security Services in Istanbul - in progress

Organizations, Occupations, and Work

Organizational Politics in Political Organizations: An Ethnographic Study of the Republican People's Party in Istanbul (with Kilicaslan, Alaz) - in progress


Fielding Cultural Resistance: The Emergence and Development of Kurdish Publishing in Turkey - follow-up research

Other Collaborated Research

Toplumsal Cinsiyet Perspektifinden Yoksulluk: İstanbul’da Kadınların Yoksullaşma Deneyimleri [Poverty through a Gender Lens: Women’s Experiences of Impoverishment in Istanbul]. A qualitative research project conducted by Dissensus and Women for Women’s Human Rights.

Güçlü Kızlar, Güçlü Yarınlar Projesi: İhtiyaç Analizi [Strong Girls, Strong Futures Project: Needs Assessment]. A qualitative research project conducted by Dissensus and Aydın Doğan Foundation. 

Development and Delivery of Modular Gender Data and Statistics Capacity Development Programme and Technical Support on Gender Data, UN Women project conducted by Tandans, CEİD (Association for Monitoring Gender Equality), and Dissensus.

Refugees and Racism in İstanbul: NGO and Activist Perspectives: Qualitative research project conducted by Dissensus with MERGE – Migration and the Middle East - Humboldt University. 

Türkiye'nin Siyasal Evrenini Duygu ve Duygulanımlar Üzerinden Anlamak: Olağanüstü Hal, Toplum ve Siyaset [Understanding the Political Universe of Turkey through Emotions and Affects: State of Emergency, Society, and Politics]. A qualitative research project conducted by KONDA Research and Consultancy.
