gökhan mülayim

Ph.D. in Sociology

Gökhan Mülayim received his Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology at Boston University. He works in the fields of economic and cultural sociology; the sociology of organizations, professions, and work; urban studies; theory; ethnicity, and cultural resistance. He focuses on how the so-called extra-economic is translated into the realm of the economy. Specifically, he examines how peculiar goods and services are transformed into market objects and how the markets for these goods and services operate. In his doctoral research using ethnographic tools, he investigates the marketization of security as a political, social, and affective good and service in the private security industry in Istanbul, Turkey. He is a qualitative researcher specializing in ethnographic methods, in-depth interviewing, non-reactive/secondary content analysis, and single and multi-sited qualitative research design.

He has taught Introduction to Sociology, Economic Sociology, Sociological Theory, Social Problems and Change courses at Boston University, Boston College, and Boğaziçi University. He has been the chief editor of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Economic Sociology Section's Newsletter, "Accounts", since 2020. He previously served as a graduate editorial intern for the Socio-Economic Review (2021-2022); as a co-organizer of SER Café, the recently launched event series bringing together the Socio-Economic Review’s authors and their audiences with the support of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (2021-2022); and lastly as a co-organizer of Boston University's Sociology Seminar Series (2021-2022). He was an elected council member of the Economic Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association for the 2022-2023 term. He has been a graduate affiliate of the Center for Innovation in Social Science at Boston University and the Precarity Lab.

In his extra-academic life, he participated in "Understanding the Political Universe of Turkey Through Emotions and Affects," a large-scale qualitative research project conducted by KONDA to examine political polarization in Turkey. He co-authored an extensive report as part of KONDA's report series. He co-founded Dissensus Research and took part in various projects conducted by Dissensus, including but not limited to economic crisis and emotions; women's poverty; transit migrants (sponsored by the Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research at Humboldt University of Berlin), refugees, and asylum seekers; and gender-sensitive data and statistical capacity development (sponsored by UNWomen). 

He earned his B.A. from the Department of Political Science and International Relations and his M.A. from the Department of Sociology, both at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey.
